Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Positano - 14th Sept

After a day full of walking around ruins and walking up volcanoes, I just wanted a short stroll for dinner tonight. However, once I get going there is no stopping me. And how I'm glad there wasn't. Slowly leaving behind the garbage strewn Piazza Garribaldi, through the laundry hung streets of the Centro Storico (Historical Centre), I suddenly came upon an oasis.

I had discovered via Toledo and via Chiaia. And how.

Streets that would grace the most classy and sophisticated cities in the world. Pavement cafes, expensive boutiques and people just strutting their stuff. If the woman of Naples I had seen so far were beautiful, just multiply that by a factor of 10 and you may get some idea of how drop dead gorgeous these girls are. Just strolling up and down, languidly lounged on Vespas, casually smoking a cigarette in ways that go beyond sexy. As a very good friend of mine would say, “this my friends, was Disney land for dads!”

The day after, my final full day, saw me back on the train to Sorrento, connecting to a local bus for the short drive to Positano. I had heard so many wonderful things about Positano that it had been on my bucket list for a while. And it didn't disappoint.

Hugging the sheer cliff faces, the hotels and houses seem to defy gravity. From the main coastal road high up, you descend via many steps, down to central, small Positano. Through narrow cobbled streets, ending up at the spiagga (beach) facing the ocean on one side and beautiful Positano on the other.

It is a breathtaking place. Described by the writer, John Steinbeck, as staying with you long after you leave. I don't think he will be wrong. I had a short stroll along the coast, before coming back, securing a cafe seat with a perfect view of the sea, and whiled away a couple of hours, eating and sipping a couple of large Peronis. Heaven.

The walk back to the bus stop, different to where I got off, was equally stunning. A vertiginous climb up the other side of the cliff front, with sweeping views back across Positano. On this final day of sightseeing, it would be difficult to pick a highlight, but it would be equally difficult for it not to be Positano.

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