Monday, September 6, 2010

il pizza perfecto

The perfect pizza. Is there such a thing? It's a search that I am more than happy to undertake. No matter how long it takes me or how many pizzas I have to try.

That said, writing a post about food probably isn’t a good idea on a full stomach. More so when the stomach is full of food from a completely different continent. Now don’t get me wrong, I love Asian food. But it's hardly prepping my culinary taste buds in readiness for the "perfect pizza" search.

Unless you are my mate, and you know who you are Squire, pizza is a food that you get introduced to at an early age. A simple, cheap frozen meal that can be thrown in the oven and eaten stood up with one foot out the door for a night on the beer. In the 80's there was "posh" frozen pizza in the form of French Bread pizzas. And later still, I graduated to pizzas from an actual pizza shop, though not yet quite a "pizzeria".

It wasn’t until I went to a real Italian restaurant that I discovered what pizzas were actually meant to taste like. And what a discovery. Simple, flavour packed pizzas such as the Margarita, created in Italy in honour of Queen Margherita and in the tricolour of the Italian flag. A layer of red tomato sauce, white balls of fluffy buffalo mozzarella and sprigs of basil. And pronto! A classic has been invented.

So now, having been to Italian restaurants all over the world, tasted their finest thin crust pizzas, their fluffy Italian Cornish pasties, or to give them their actual name, Calzones, its time to go to where it all started. Napoli.

Naples is the home and birthplace of pizza and this is where I'm headed. I will also be doing a lot of sightseeing, such as the Amalfi coast and maybe Capri, but in between, a man needs sustenance.

And this is where the pizzas come in.

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